Canadian Students
Top Canadian Brand To Shop MEYSPRING & ARTE Discount Code violetview - for 10% off
You want to consider COLORBERRY Discount Code WIO10 - FOR 10% OFF
The rest of materials you can get in one place - Amazon link -
- Best Resin For Geode Art in Canada ARTE or MAS Epoxies Table Top Pro
- Wooden Canvas or this brand
- Gloves
- 3M mask with replaceable filters for your protection.
- Thick transparent plastic drop cloth
- Storage containers
- Baby wipes and isopropyl alcohol for cleaning
- Torch / little kitchen brander
- One big plastic measure cup to mix (500ml and 250ml),
- set of small paper cups max 100ml (around 3- 4oz)
- Tape to protect the sides ( according to the thickness of your canvas -frog tape is best
- Mixing sticks, One bigger to mix resin and a pack of smaller wooden or plastic sticks to mix the colors in the cups
- Pigment paste of the color that you chose for the project
- Metallic floating gold powder pigment (or other) - Meyspring has them too
- Gesso and brush to paint the canvas ( can be any brand ( liquitex or pebeo are my favorite but you cannot go wrong)
- White/silver glitter you will get with any of the Druzy Goddess Sets like the Athena, Muse, Hear or Aphrodite
- Druzy Goddess (White Ambrosia & Mystic Mint)
- Crystals of your choice for the project - small points, chips, pocket size rocks are the easiest one to work with
- Hot glue pistol and the sticks
- Shimmer / pearl powder like carat shimmer or carat/white pearl from Colorberry. It will give the sparkle to any alcohol ink or pigment paste
- Small syringe to apply your glitter mixture
- Metallic pens if you want to add metallic lines too
- Final sealing varnish that is not water based for finishing the edges of druzy/glass. (mixed with metallic floating pigment)
- Meyspring pigments in small sachets to have multiple color options without buying big jars of each color.
- Alcohol ink of the color that you chose for the project that is matching the color of crystals
- White posca pens - for the beginner projects size 1m,3m and 5m are enough